2022 Death Valley Trip Part 2 - Birds
Elliot Janca Elliot Janca

2022 Death Valley Trip Part 2 - Birds

At first, though expected, it was rather disappointing to find so little birds in the scorching heat of the desert, but when we delved deeper, we found that things were a bit more interesting than it had seemed on the surface.

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2021 Michigan Trip - Yellowstone
Elliot Janca Elliot Janca

2021 Michigan Trip - Yellowstone

While seeing a lot of mammalian wildlife, we still got to see some birds, though most of them were slightly outside the official Yellowstone park boundary.

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2021 Michigan Trip - Mono Lake
Elliot Janca Elliot Janca

2021 Michigan Trip - Mono Lake

The first blog post of my Michigan Bird trip. Though we missed the Greater Sage-grouse, we did get to see and photograph many other birds that are likewise limited to sagebrush.

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